- Nic
- [ Cyrus ]
- Member Since
- [ May 16th 1998 ]
- City
- [ Atlanta, Georgia ]
- Country
- [ USA ]
- Connection
- [ DSL ]
- [ mike@clan-rum.org ]
- Status
- [ Active ]
- [ n/a ]
- Motherboard
- [ n/a ]
- [ n/a ]
- Video Card
- [ n/a ]
- Mouse
- [ n/a ]
[ Cyrus emailed Crash one day to ask why he never saw him on the main Rum server. After a few brief exchanges, he asked if he could come to the Rum practices. At first he silently watched the Quake Gods, that he so idolized, play. But soon, he too, began to play with his heros. After a while he realized we were just a bunch of goobs like him. Then we asked him if he wanted to join and he said yes. End of story. -Crash ]
Matches Cyrus has played in
Rum vs Hell Dogz
• Loss
• November 4th 2000
Rum vs Tusa • Win • November 19th 1999
Rum vs Skull Crushers • Win • January 16th 1999
Rum vs Tusa • Win • November 19th 1999
Rum vs Skull Crushers • Win • January 16th 1999