- Nic
- [ Venom2 ]
- Member Since
- [ May 16th 1999 ]
- City
- [ Hamilton, Ontario ]
- Country
- [ Canada ]
- Connection
- [ DSL ]
- [ venom2@clan-rum.org ]
- Status
- [ Active ]
- [ 1.0 Gigz Celeron ]
- Motherboard
- [ Gigabyte ]
- [ 256mb ]
- Video Card
- [ Radeon 7200 AGP ]
- Mouse
- [ HP Scroll Mouse ]
[ "Whatever Floats Your Shit Man" ]
[ When Venom left AI, he decided that he wanted to make Rum his new home. We eventually allowed him to come to our practices and he hung in there for weeks. We were impressed by his good attitude and his loyalty to Rum and we eventually made him official. We Already had a Venom in Rum so we took to calling him Venom2. -Crash ]
Matches Venom2 has played in
Rum vs Goddamn Independents
• Win
• June 27th 1999