- Nic
- [ Ace ]
- Member Since
- [ February 18th 2000 ]
- City
- [ Binghamtom, New York ]
- Country
- [ USA ]
- Connection
- [ Dial Up ]
- [ dmfinley@hotmail.com ]
- Status
- [ Active ]
- [ n/a ]
- Motherboard
- [ n/a ]
- [ n/a ]
- Video Card
- [ n/a ]
- Mouse
- [ n/a ]
[ Ace and Killer are the babies of the clan. These two were only 12 or so when they joined and needless to say they pretty much sucked :) But how are you going to tell a 12 year old kid he can't join your clan because he sucks? Well, you can't if you have any heart... So we took these two in and we still love them to death. They aren't that young anymore nor do they suck. -Crash ]